Friday, September 30, 2011

ART.271 CHAPTER 3 of the Code of the Philippines


Art. 271. Only natural children who have been recognized by the parents before or after the celebration of the marriage, or have been declared natural children by final judgment, may be considered legitimated by subsequent marriage.
If a natural child is recognized or judicially declared as natural, such recognition or declaration shall extend to his or her brothers or sisters of the full blood: Provided, That the consent of the latter shall be implied if they do not impugn the recognition within four years from the time of such recognition, or in case they are minors, within four years following the attainment of majority.



A natural children can be recognized or acknowledge as the legal child of the married couple.The final judgment is the last major event connected to the second coming of Christ. When Jesus returns, the resurrection of the body will occur and the whole human race will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. This doctrine has always been maintained by the church of Christ. It was affirmed in the post apostolic church (e.g., the Apostles Creed [c.A.D.170], and the Nicene Creed [A.D. 325]) as well by all the symbols of the major Protestant denominations. Although this doctrine is often met with fear and loathing among unbelievers, it is a great comfort and blessing to believers. A day of perfect justice is coming in which our Lord will be vindicated publicly and the saints will hear "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Mt. 25:34) from the lips of Jesus. There are many things to consider as we study this important doctrine.

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